Sunday 5 October 2008

Indulgence Shapes by Alexxis Laszlo

Hey everyone :) As Kira mentioned, we've been working together for some time now and it seems like a match made in SL heaven. We both have high standards when it comes to the quality of work we do and we like to pass on that quality to our wonderful and supportive customers. It's true that anyone can move some sliders around but not everyone can do it with the same care and precision that we do. When you try one of our shapes, you're sure to notice the difference.

Before I met Kira, I worked alone and I have to say that being a part of a team that includes her as well as some other amazingly talented people is a thousand times better and I don't think I want to work alone ever again. To steal a quote from her "It's all in who you know." and I know that I have been blessed to know some of the greatest people in Second Life. We all bring something unique to the table and have learned, and will continue to learn, a lot from each other.

Not long after Kira and I started working together, she introduced me to the woman behind Indulgence, Miss Rebecca Vacano. It didn't take long for me to see why I would want to work with someone like her, not only is she a brilliant business woman but she is also a visionary. I am proud of the work we've all put into this and can't wait to share it with all of you.

Below are the latest members of the Indulgence family, be sure to stop in and have a look. You're sure to find something that's just right for your Second Life.

Carmen - Simply smokin

Foxxy - Enough said

Yuko - Cute and Sassy

Chaos - Face it, everyone needs a little Chaos in their life

Aries - Sexy enough to be the milkman, handyman, gardener or any other fantasy fulfiller